Results for 'Jennifer A. Byrne'

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  1.  12
    Improving the peer review of narrative literature reviews.Jennifer A. Byrne - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    As the size of the published scientific literature has increased exponentially over the past 30 years, review articles play an increasingly important role in helping researchers to make sense of original research results. Literature reviews can be broadly classified as either “systematic” or “narrative”. Narrative reviews may be broader in scope than systematic reviews, but have been criticised for lacking synthesis and rigour. The submission of more scientific manuscripts requires more researchers acting as peer reviewers, which requires adding greater numbers (...)
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    Research governance review of a negligible-risk research project: Too much of a good thing?Amanda Rush, Rod Ling, Jane E. Carpenter, Candace Carter, Andrew Searles & Jennifer A. Byrne - 2017 - Research Ethics 14 (3):1-12.
    There are increasing concerns that research regulatory requirements exceed those required to manage risks, particularly for low- and negligible-risk research projects. In particular, inconsistent documentation requirements across research sites can delay the conduct of multi-site projects. For a one-year, negligible-risk project examining biobank operations conducted at three separate Australian institutions, we found that the researcher time required to meet regulatory requirements was eight times greater than that required for the approved research activity. In total, 76 business days were required to (...)
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  3. OCk, athryn, 163 Byrne, Ruth MJ, 61 Cosmides, Leda, 187 Garnham, Alan, 45, 117.P. N. Johnson-Laird, Jane Oakhill, Josef Perner, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Lance J. Rips, Jennifer A. Sanderson, Michael Siegal & Yohtaro Takano - 1989 - Cognition 31:295.
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    “Click Here”: A Content Analysis of Internet Rape Sites.Sarah Byrne & Jennifer Lynn Gossett - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (5):689-709.
    Research on pornography has distinguished between its violent and nonviolent forms. Analyses of the content of violent pornography have largely focused on readily available soft-core images in adult films and magazines. However, current research has not adequately addressed pornography on the Internet. We show that discussions about violent pornography are incomplete without an understanding of the Internet as a unique and rapidly expanding medium for disseminating images of sexual violence against women. This article attempts to fill that gap by examining (...)
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    Discriminative and exploitive stereotypes: Artificial intelligence generated images of aged care nurses and the impacts on recruitment and retention.Amy-Louise Byrne, Jennifer Mulvogue, Siju Adhikari & Ellie Cutmore - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12651.
    This article uses critical discourse analysis to investigate artificial intelligence (AI) generated images of aged care nurses and considers how perspectives and perceptions impact upon the recruitment and retention of nurses. The article demonstrates a recontextualization of aged care nursing, giving rise to hidden ideologies including harmful stereotypes which allow for discrimination and exploitation. It is argued that this may imply that nurses require fewer clinical skills in aged care, diminishing the value of working in this area. AI relies on (...)
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    Three steps to rational imagining?Jennifer Church - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):456-456.
    Ruth Byrne presents a three-step argument to the conclusion that counterfactual imagining is rational. Insofar as this argument is valid, the conclusion is weaker than it seems. More importantly, it does not represent the central contributions of this book – contributions that, if anything, point instead to what is irrational about counterfactual imagining.
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  7. Tactical deception in primates.A. Whiten & R. W. Byrne - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):233-244.
    Tactical deception occurs when an individual is able to use an “honest” act from his normal repertoire in a different context to mislead familiar individuals. Although primates have a reputation for social skill, most primate groups are so intimate that any deception is likely to be subtle and infrequent. Published records are sparse and often anecdotal. We have solicited new records from many primatologists and searched for repeating patterns. This has revealed several different forms of deceptive tactic, which we classify (...)
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    Perspectives on pedagogy-To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher, William Ayers.Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur - 2003 - Educational Studies 34 (4):483-492.
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    The Effects of Combined Cognitive-Physical Interventions on Cognitive Functioning in Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Multilevel Meta-Analysis.Jennifer A. Rieker, José M. Reales, Mónica Muiños & Soledad Ballesteros - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Research has shown that both physical exercise and cognitive training help to maintain cognition in older adults. The question is whether combined training might produce additive effects when the group comparisons are equated in terms of exercise intensity and modality. We conducted a systematic electronic search in MEDLINE, PsycInfo, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases to identify relevant studies published up to February 2021. Seven hundred and eighty-three effect sizes were obtained from 50 published intervention studies, involving 6,164 (...)
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    Conversation between Jennifer Herdt and Christopher Insole.Jennifer A. Herdt & Christopher Insole - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (3):283-289.
    This is a conversation held at the book launch for Christopher Insole’s Kant and the Divine: From Contemplation to the Moral Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), hosted jointly, in November 2020, by the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, and the Australian Catholic University. The conversation covers the claim made by Insole that Kant believes in God, but is not a Christian, the way in which reason itself is divine for Kant, and the suggestion that reading Kant can open (...)
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    John Kleinig, On Loyalty and Loyalties: The Contours of a Problematic Virtue: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010, 315 pp, ISBN 9780199371266, $35.00.Jennifer A. Baker - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (3):655-657.
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    Substituted misjudgement.Jennifer A. Woo & Kenneth M. Prager - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (4):208-210.
    Substituted judgement is often used in the absence of advanced directives to guide decision-making when patients lack decisional capacity. We present a remarkable case of family members exercising substituted misjudgement for a 42-year-old man hospitalized with multiorgan failure on life support. Feeling that their loved one would rather die than face severe disability, they elected to withdraw life support. Although this was done, the patient remained alive and recovered enough to clearly indicate his preference for life, even with severe disability. (...)
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    “Muslimness” and multiplicity in qualitative research and in government reports in Canada.Jennifer A. Selby - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (1):72-89.
    With reference to a qualitative study on everyday religiosity among Muslims in St. John's, Canada, this paper examines trends in academic sources and public policy on Islam that over-privilege the most committed practitioners, thereby narrowly depicting “Muslimness.” I situate this overemphasis by reflecting on what Mamdani calls “culture talk,” an essentializing discourse heightened in the post-9/11 west. Interview data, along with a trend in social scientific research on Muslims that emphasize the most pious and the outcomes following the Ontario “Boyd (...)
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  14.  32
    Should labeled lines and pattern models be either-or? Issues of scope and definition.Jennifer A. Stillman - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (1):89-90.
    Erickson's conclusion that if basic tastes are not appropriate at one level, reference to labeled lines is inappropriate at any level, depends on matters of definition and scope. His population model mirrors Young's theory of color perception. However, there is evidence for distinct pathways to the cortex for two cone-opponent and one achromatic channel. Depending on the use made of key terms, sensory systems may display both across-fiber and labeled-line features.
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  15. Elaborating "dialogue" in communities of inquiry: Attention to discourse as a method for facilitating dialogue across difference.Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur, Claire Alkouatli & Negar Amini - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):299-318.
    In communities of inquiry, dialogue is central as both the means and the outcome of collective inquiry. Indeed, features of dialogue—including formulating and asking questions, developing hypotheses and explanations, and offering and requesting reasons—are often highlighted as playing a significant role in the quality of the dialogue that unfolds. We inquire further into the quality of dialogue by arguing that dialogue should enable the expansion of epistemic openness, rather than its contraction, and that this is especially important in multicultural communities (...)
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    Interactions between SRY and SOX genes in mammalian sex determination.Jennifer A. Marshall Graves - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (3):264-269.
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  17. Fatal Divisions: Hume on Religion, Sympathy, and the Peace of Society.Jennifer A. Herdt - 1994 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    Epistemological issues are usually taken to be David Hume's central preoccupation. Attending to the role of sympathy in Hume's thought reveals, however, that his primary aim is to secure the conditions for social peace and prosperity in 18th-century Scotland and beyond, a peace particularly threatened by religious conflict. This perspective not only discloses the unity of Hume's ethical, political, aesthetic, and historical writings, it also suggests that the driving forces in the development of modern ethical and religious thought are ethical (...)
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  18.  65
    Free Choice, Self-Referential Arguments, and the New Natural Law.Jennifer A. Herdt - 1998 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4):581-600.
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  19.  24
    Spaces of Difference: The Contradictions of Alternative Educational Programs.Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (3):280-299.
    Drawing upon the concept of thirdspace (Soja 1996), this article extends sociocultural theorizations of space in relation to alternative educational programs: programs designed to re-engage youth who have been pushed out of mainstream schools. Snapshots of educational programs, provided by ethnographic research gathered in the United States, Australia, and Canada, foreground the contradictions inherent in these alternative spaces: on one hand, the possibilities obtained for youth through participation, and on the other, the production of these programs through displacement. Alternative educational (...)
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    Black Mothers and Vaccine Refusal: Gendered Racism, Healthcare, and the State.Jennifer A. Reich & Courtney Thornton - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (4):525-551.
    Vaccine refusal has increasingly been the focus of public health concern. Rates of children who are up to date on vaccines have declined in recent years, and vaccine refusal has been implicated in disease outbreaks. Most research on children who are not fully immunized identifies white affluent mothers as most likely to opt out by choice and Black mothers as more likely to face structural barriers that limit access to vaccines for their children. In this paper, we analyze social media (...)
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  21.  17
    Disney, Culture, and Curriculum.Jennifer A. Sandlin & Julie C. Garlen (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    A presence for decades in individuals’ everyday life practices and identity formation, the Walt Disney Company has more recently also become an influential element within the "big" curriculum of public and private spaces outside of yet in proximity to formal educational institutions. _Disney, Culture, and Curriculum_ explores the myriad ways that Disney’s curricula and pedagogies manifest in public consciousness, cultural discourses, and the education system. Examining Disney’s historical development and contemporary manifestations, this book critiques and deconstructs its products and perspectives (...)
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  22. ch. 7. Aquinas's Aristotelian defense of martyr courage.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2013 - In Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller & Matthias Perkams, Aquinas and the Nicomachean Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  23.  12
    Locke, Martyrdom, and the Disciplinary Power of the Church.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (2):19-35.
    While refraining from merely reinscribing liberal hagiographies of Locke, this essay questions recent accounts of Locke as facilitator of an insidious subordination of church to state in the early modern period. Locke's defense of toleration and the claims of conscience represent the recovery of key aspects of Christian charity, not the subordination of church to state, and his conception of church membership as voluntary serves as a salutary reminder that loyalty cannot ultimately be coerced, but resides in a bond of (...)
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  24.  20
    (1 other version)Economics and the Virtues: Building a New Moral Foundation.Jennifer A. Baker & Mark D. White (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press.
    A volume by leading economists and philosophers that explores the contributions that virtue ethics can make to economics. Provides historical and modern insights in both economics and philosophy and offers suggestions for incorporating the ethics of virtue into economics to make it more applicable to moral dilemmas in the world outside the models.
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  25. Community-based research.Jennifer A. Bellamy - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti, Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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  26.  39
    Disruption in proprioception from long-term thalamic deep brain stimulation: a pilot study.Jennifer A. Semrau, Troy M. Herter, Zelma H. Kiss & Sean P. Dukelow - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  27.  28
    Aristotelian Ethics in Contemporary Perspective, edited by Julia Peters.Jennifer A. Frey - 2016 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 13 (3):393-396.
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  28.  34
    Beyond Public Health Emergency Legal Preparedness: Rethinking Best Practices.Jennifer A. Bernstein - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s1):13-16.
    It has now been 10 years since the framework for public health legal preparedness was put forth as a model to meet new public health challenges in the 21st century. Public health legal preparedness is defined as the “attainment by a public health system of specified legal of standards essential to the preparedness of the public health system.” The framework has continued to develop over time and four core elements have emerged to make up the basis for public health legal (...)
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    Emerging Science, Emerging Democracy: Stem Cell Research and Policy in Taiwan.Jennifer A. Liu - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (5):609-636.
    “You are interested in ethics,” the clinician said, “there are problems with medical ethics in Taiwan.” It was 2005, shortly after I had moved to Taiwan. A little later, a professor told me of a university hospital that served as a site for a transnational clinical trial run by a pharmaceutical company. He said that since no informed consent procedure was in place at that time, the hospital had simply obtained employer consent. “That’s why companies want to come to Taiwan (...)
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    Applying Jewish ethics: beyond the rabbinic tradition.Jennifer A. Thompson & Allison Wolf (eds.) - 2022 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Applying Jewish Ethics: Beyond the Rabbinic Tradition is a groundbreaking collection that introduces the reader to applied ethics and examines various social issues from contemporary and largely under-represented, Jewish ethical perspectives.
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    Taking the Right to Notice and Explanation Seriously: The Critical Importance of Evidence and Oversight for Healthcare AI.Jennifer A. H. Bell, Natalie Yeh & James A. Anderson - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (3):143-145.
    Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2025, Page 143-145.
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    The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: an emerging genomic model system for ecological, developmental and evolutionary studies.Jennifer A. Brisson & David L. Stern - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (7):747-755.
    Aphids display an abundance of adaptations that are not easily studied in existing model systems. Here we review the biology of a new genomic model system, the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. We then discuss several phenomena that are particularly accessible to study in the pea aphid: the developmental genetic basis of polyphenisms, aphid–bacterial symbioses, the genetics of adaptation and mechanisms of virus transmission. The pea aphid can be maintained in the laboratory and natural populations can be studied in the field. (...)
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  33. Shamu the (Killer) Whale and an Ecology of Commodity.Jennifer A. Kokai - 2017 - In Laurie A. Frederik, Showing off, showing up: studies of hype, heightened performance, and cultural power. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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  34. The romantic spirit.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2009 - ArtLink 28 (2):13-15.
    A central idea of Romanticism in the arts is the idea that art or the aesthetic experience of nature reveals truth or insight about the human condition and relation to nature. What kind of truth could this be and how could perceptual objects reveal it?
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  35. Backing Kant, with interest.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2008 - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 9 (1/2):90-99.
    The idea of a ‘global’ concept of art might suggest a transcending of the categories which would locate an artwork relative to one place and one time. Is this possible? If we answer in the negative, this suggests that a global concept of art is not possible, but on the positive side, the significance of the particular is kept intact. If we answer in the affirmative, then a global concept of art is possible, but we lose the very aspect that (...)
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  36. Perceptual Principles, Aesthetic Form and Notions of Unity.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 29 (1):S64 - S102.
    There are a number of problems associated with the classic notion of beauty understood as an experience of perceptual form. These problems are that there is an apparent incompatibility between beauty’s objectivity and subjectivity; and an incompatibility between the two self-evident theses that (i) there are no principles of beauty and (ii) there are genuine judgements of beauty. There is also the problem of explaining the possibility of a disinterested pleasure. To solve these problems I draw upon the work of (...)
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  37. Session Title: Art History and Philosophy.Jennifer A. McMahon - manuscript
    This symposium is inspired by the round tables organised by James Elkins in Cork, Ireland and Chicago which aimed to create a dialogue between art historians and philosophers on concepts which are central to the way both disciplines conduct their respective endeavours. For our symposium, art historians and philosophers will discuss topics and concepts which are likely to be given different interpretations by the respective disciplines. We will attempt to bridge the gap between the respective interpretations by inviting a closer (...)
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  38.  23
    Aquinas and the Democratic Virtues: An Introduction.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (2):232-245.
    Can the theology of Thomas Aquinas serve as a resource for reflection on democratic civic virtue? That is the central question taken up by Mark Jordan, Adam Eitel, John Bowlin, and Michael Lamb in this focus issue. The four authors agree on one thing: Aquinas himself was no fan of democracy. They disagree, though, over whether Aquinas can offer resources for theorizing democratic virtues. Bowlin, Eitel, and Lamb believe he can, and propose Thomistic accounts of tolerance, civic friendship, and democratic (...)
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  39.  14
    Cudworth, Autonomy and the Love of God.Jennifer A. Herdt - 1999 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 19:47-68.
    Recent attempts by Christian ethicists to mine the tradition of Christian Platonism have overlooked seventeenth-century Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth. Cudworth's significance lies in his creative extension of Christian Platonism in response to the early modern situation of religious conflict. He develops an account of autonomy as the self-rule of the "redoubled soul," while retaining a teleological account of the soul's final end as participation in God. Cudworth can help contemporary Christian ethicists imagine a way beyond pro-Enlightenment secular accounts of autonomy (...)
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    (1 other version)Putting on Virtue: The Legacy of the Splendid Vices.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2008 - University of Chicago Press.
    Augustine famously claimed that the virtues of pagan Rome were nothing more than splendid vices. This critique reinvented itself as a suspicion of acquired virtue as such, and true Christian virtue has, ever since, been set against a false, hypocritical virtue alleged merely to conceal pride. _Putting On Virtue_ reveals how a distrust of learned and habituated virtue shaped both early modern Christian moral reflection and secular forms of ethical thought. Jennifer Herdt develops her claims through an argument of (...)
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    Grin and Bare It.Jennifer A. Parks - 2004 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 11 (1):45-53.
    This paper considers the issues surrounding women’s bare-breastedness and breastfeeding in public. I argue that women should have equal freedoms with men to bare their breasts in public, but not for the reasons commonly cited Proponents of “the public breast” tend to focus on the similarities between women’s and men’s breasts; I argue that the sameness versus difference debate is unhelpful in resolving this question. As I argue, women’s breasts differ from men’s in significant ways, and by dismissing these differences (...)
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    Divine Compassion and the Mystification of Power.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2001 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 21:253-273.
    William Placher and others have charged seventeenth-century theologians with "domesticating" divine transcendence, with fostering an understanding of God that was clear and comprehensible, but unattractive, unpersuasive, and easily undermined by secular thought. This essay tests that claim by analyzing the discourse of divine compassion which became prominent among post-Restoration Anglican divines. While the second generation of latitudinarians do exemplify the trends Placher traces, the first generation of latitudinarians, notably Cambridge Platonist Benjamin Whichcote, succeeds in finding a way to affirm divine (...)
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    Democracy’s Reasons.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2011 - Process Studies 40 (2):307-314.
  44.  28
    Of Wild Beasts and Bloodhounds: John Locke and Frederick Douglass on the Forfeiture of Humanity.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41 (2):207-224.
    The doctrine of the image of God is often regarded as grounding human dignity in something permanent and unchanging that transcends our attitudes and behaviors. Yet we persistently encounter the argument that particular human individuals or groups have acted so as to forfeit their moral standing as fellow humans. They are bestialized, categorized as non-human animals, lifting ordinary restraints on punishment. I examine the logic of this argument in John Locke, Thomas Aquinas, and contemporary felony disenfranchisement, showing how it involves (...)
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  45. Sleepers wake!: Eudaimonism, obligation and the call to responsibility.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2016 - In Brian Brock & Michael G. Mawson, The Freedom of a Christian Ethicist: The Future of a Reformation Legacy. New York, NY: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
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  46. Towards a Unified Theory of Beauty.Jennifer A. McMahon - 1999 - Literature & Aesthetics 9:7-27.
    The Pythagorean tradition dominates the understanding of beauty up until the end of the 18th Century. According to this tradition, the experience of beauty is stimulated by certain relations perceived to be between an object/construct's elements. As such, the object of the experience of beauty is indeterminate: it has neither a determinate perceptual analogue (one cannot simply identify beauty as you can a straight line or a particular shape) nor a determinate concept (there are no necessary and sufficient conditions for (...)
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    The Rise of Sympathy and the Question of Divine Suffering.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2001 - Journal of Religious Ethics 29 (3):367 - 399.
    Seventeenth-century Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth, writing just at the time when the concept of sympathy was moving from the realm of magic to that of ethics, argued that God must be understood as having a vital sympathy with suffering human beings. Yet while Cudworth invoked sympathy in an attempt to capture God's intimate relation with creation, in fact, it served as a principle of mediation that tended either to collapse God into the world or to distance God from the world. (...)
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    Cephalopod consciousness: Behavioural evidence.Jennifer A. Mather - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):37-48.
    Behavioural evidence suggests that cephalopod molluscs may have a form of primary consciousness. First, the linkage of brain to behaviour seen in lateralization, sleep and through a developmental context is similar to that of mammals and birds. Second, cephalopods, especially octopuses, are heavily dependent on learning in response to both visual and tactile cues, and may have domain generality and form simple concepts. Third, these animals are aware of their position, both within themselves and in larger space, including having a (...)
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  49. Care ethics and the global practice of commercial surrogacy.Jennifer A. Parks - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (7):333-340.
    This essay will focus on the moral issues relating to surrogacy in the global context, and will critique the liberal arguments that have been offered in support of it. Liberal arguments hold sway concerning reproductive arrangements made between commissioning couples from wealthy nations and the surrogates from socioeconomically weak backgrounds that they hire to do their reproductive labor. My argument in this paper is motivated by a concern for controlling harms by putting the practice of globalized commercial surrogacy into the (...)
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    Mind and causality.A. Whiten & R. W. Byrne - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):415-419.
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